Distributed Real-Time Optimization of Mobile Wireless Networks

mobile networking

The goal of this project is to develop a novel distributed control framework to let mobile wireless nodes move as dictated by their assigned tasks, while ensuring reliable communications as necessary for the accomplishment of a mission. The key idea that enables this work is a novel definition of network connectivity that differs from existing approaches in that it is not based only on point-to-point proximity relations and graph theory, but on metrics that attempt to capture the complexity of the wireless channel and are of interest to the performance of the end-to-end communication between nodes or between nodes and a fixed infrastructure. These metrics need to be determined in real-time to account for continuous changes in the nodes’ positions as they move to accomplish their mission. Moreover, they need to account for the uncertainty of the wireless channel, especially so in austere non-line-of-sight environments. Maintaining these communication capabilities introduces a tight interplay between the physical space of node positions and velocities and the cyber space of wireless communications. This research addresses this interplay and develops mobile communication networks that operate in closed loop with the users, as they reconfigure and adapt to the mission in order to provide users with reliable and up-to-the-minute communications and availability of information, in austere non-line-of-sight environments.  (Contact: Zavlanos)